What’s It Like Taking Cayenne Pepper Pills?

Chili peppers are well-known for how healthy they are. It’s all about that magic compound capsaicin and what it can do, from natural pain relief to boosting your metabolism and a whole lot more. Many people, in fact, take cayenne pepper pills to get the benefit of capsaicin without having to eat chilies in their meals, and there are many positive reviews on the results reported on sites like Amazon.

But what’s it like taking these pills or cayenne pepper capsules? Is there a taste? A sense of heat? A quick boost of energy? Other side effects? Well, each person is different, but I’ll lay out what it’s been like for me. From there, you can decide whether it’s something you want to give a try. Out the gate, I’ll say it’s definitely been overall positive. 

Why I take cayenne pepper pills

Seeing as I created PepperScale, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m a believer in the natural health benefits of capsaicin, and I already have a decent amount of chili peppers and hot sauces in my diet. My overall goal for taking the pills is to boost my energy and metabolism to help cut down on the coffee in my life. I also have general aches and pains (ah adulthood) that I hope to ease.

Others use it for dieting (capsaicin has shown positive results as an appetite suppressor), arthritis, acid reflux, and some even take it as a preventative measure against more serious diseases like cancer.

My daily dose is two 450-milligram capsules in the morning with food.

What do you feel like when taking cayenne pepper pills?

First off, I should say that I overall feel great after taking them. Sure, it could have been a placebo effect – believe it’s working and it comes true – but I did feel a boost of energy in the mornings about 20 to 30 minutes after taking my daily dose. It’s that energy boost that I think made me feel my general aches less. It doesn’t numb the pain as pain relievers do, you are just less aware as you’re a little more revved up. At least that’s my experience.

Is there a heat? Yes. I feel a definite sense of “chili pepper” in my chest. You are ingesting chili powder after all. There’s an ongoing slow (and low) heat that sort of sits there. For me it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to hit and then the heat lasts about 30 minutes to an hour. It’s not uncomfortable, especially if you are used to eating hot peppers. If you are totally heat intolerant, though, cayenne pepper capsules may not be for you.

In terms of my “less coffee” goal, I do feel like I don’t need more than a single cup now to get my day going. And even that cup is more likely a force of habit, more a nice morning ritual than a necessity.

I’m not after cayenne pepper as an appetite suppressant, but I should say that I think I eat less due to the low internal heat I feel, and I do end up drinking more water. In those ways, I can see how it would work as a natural diet supplement.

And other side effects? There are really no known horrible side effects of cayenne pepper powder, and I’ve never experienced anything at that level either.

Does it work for everyone? Does everyone feel the same?

I have another family member who took cayenne pepper capsules to help improve her acid reflux. It didn’t work for her, even though some studies show that it may help with it. She, though, had the same overall heat experience in the chest when taking cayenne. But let the point be made – each person will have different results with cayenne pepper pills. My experience above may not be yours, especially if you’re looking to it for more significant issues than a general metabolism boost. But to me that’s where it shines: as a great natural supplement for energy and mild pain suppression.

[amazon_link asins=’B000MGSIIS,B0009ET9XQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’pepperscale-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e66f6453-fe18-11e8-8863-9952bc4fb848′]

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Adam S

I once took a red pepper pill and had a very bad experience. Usually it just warms my stomach up and I feel a heat like I ate some fire, but this time I took it on an empty stomach. I think it was stuck to the side of my stomach when it burst because I had intense pain, like 8/10. I broke out in a cold sweat and it hurt so much I could not think straight. My friend gave me a bottle of water and after drinking it the pain went away very quickly. I then had breakfast… Read more »


I hate pepper taste in my mouth. It makes me gag. But, I’m willing to try the pill. I have a horrible mucus build up in my throat that I have to cough out. Would the heat in the stomach clear my throat and nasal passage of the mucus?


I trully believe that Gods naturally put these plants on his Earth to heal our health situations! God is Good and if you take the time to look around “Everyrhing he has put here into our soil is a Blessing to all of us!!