What’s A Good Guajillo Pepper Substitute?

A Mexican cuisine staple, the guajillo pepper is gaining in culinary popularity worldwide. More and more recipes are calling for this sweet and smoky pepper. And they are part of the “Holy Trinity” of Mexican chilies used in mole sauce. But they can still be tricky to find in many areas. So what are your options if that’s the case? What’s a good guajillo pepper substitute if the real deal is not an option? While guajillo’s is complex, we have three dried chili options for you. All are suitable as alternatives, but one is easier to find than the others.

STOCK UP: Whole Guajillo Peppers
Guajillos add a rich, smoky flavor and mild heat to a variety of dishes, enhancing everything from sauces to marinades. Additionally, their long shelf life (since they’re dried) makes them a convenient pantry staple for elevating your culinary creations.

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Guajillo Pepper Substitute
Guajillos have a deep, complex flavor that’s not easy to replicate.

Easiest guajillo substitute to find: Ancho pepper

Ancho peppers are another member of the Mexican “Holy Trinity” of chilies, and they are typically much easier to find in stores. Most specialty Mexican grocers and even some super markets carry this dried form of the poblano pepper. Look in the international/global section of your supermarket, as well as your spice aisle. Anchos may also be found in powder form, so look not only for whole dried chilies.

Anchos share a comparable sweetness and earthiness, but they are a step down in overall heat, 1,000 to 1,5000 Scoville heat units (SHU) compared to the guajillo’s 2,500  to 5,000 SHU. They do tend to be sweeter and meatier — and the flavor overall isn’t as complex as the guajillo. But given their availability, they are easily the first place you should turn.

Learn More: Guajillo Vs. Ancho — How Do They Compare?

The closest in flavor: Pasilla pepper

Pasilla peppers (a.k.a. chile negro) are also a member of the “Holy Trinity” of Mexican chilies. They have a comparable heat to ancho peppers, but, at their hottest, they can reach the level of guajillos (1,000 to 2,500 SHU).

And it’s not just the spiciness that’s a better fit; the flavors, too, are better suited as a guajillo substitute. Pasillas are slightly sweet with hints of berry and cocoa. It’s not an exact match for the more tea-like earthiness of the guajillo, but it’s very close.

Learn More: Pasilla Vs. Guajillo

A unique alternative: Cascabel pepper

Cascabel peppers may not look like the obvious guajillo pepper substitute. It’s also known as “the rattle chili” due to its loose seeds that rattle in its cavernous apple-like body. But this chili’s earthy and nutty flavor can do in a pinch as a guajillo substitute. They aren’t as sweet, but the woodsy layers of tastes compare well to the tea-like undertones in the guajillo. Plus, they just look good to have on-hand in the kitchen.

Must-read related posts

  • Guajillo Salsa: Save this recipe for when you’re stocked up.
  • The Hot Pepper List: We profile over 150 chilies at PepperScale. Search them now by heat, flavor, origin, and more.
  • Our Hot Sauce Rankings: Discover your new hot sauce favorite from our list. We rank and review over 100 hot sauces. You can even search by pepper used!

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UPDATE NOTICE: This post was updated on September 19, 2024 to include new content.
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